Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Private schools to remain fiefdoms

teachers set up a tent opposite the national assembly
Surprise, surprise, Uri lawmakers have agreed to abandon their extremely modest gesture toward making the administration of private schools more transparent and accountable. This is bad news for teachers and students, but great news for GNP politicians, many of whom rely on "donations" from private school directors to fund election campaigns.


Note to Jung Sung-ki and the Korea Times: when combatants (e.g. sergeants in an occupying military force) are killed, they are NOT "victims of terrorism," even if it is sad. When NON-combatants are killed, THEY are victims of terrorism. You newspeaking weasel hacks.


Anonymous said...

This is something that really winds me up. And it wasn't just Korea Times by any means, Hankyoreh constantly used the word 'terror' in its reporting on the attack. By any normal definition of terrorism you cannot call an attack on a military base (and CIA torture centre) a terrorist attack. It is a straightforward military assault. Fortunately, however bad much of their reporting is, the BBC has a policy of avoiding the word terrorist altogether, so their report on the Cheney attack doesn't use the word.

Andrew Thomas said...

It's as if they're using dictionaries provided by the Pentagon or the SIS. Why pay companies like the Lincoln Group when mainstream media outlets are already playing along?

Some call it MindWar (.pdf) .. if Gramsci were alive today ..

sam59527 said...